21 Islands ISFF 2024

FREE ONLINE – February 1-11, 2024 – 8th Edition featuring over 50 multigenre short films from around the world bundled into 5 fun-packed festival screening Groups. Finalists compete for multiple Festival Jury Prizes and Audience Choice Awards. Streaming for a two-week period starting Thursday, February 1st. — WATCH & VOTE!


BY ROSALBA ROLÓN “Raise your right hand! Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” This is how the first courtroom scene in Pregones/PRTT’s The Red Rose begins. The occasion? Puerto Rican activist Jesús Colón is called to testify,…

The Red Rose 2023

The Red Rose November 30th, 2023 – January 7th, 2024 The Puerto Rican Traveling Theater 304 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036 SHOW TIMES & TICKETSNew Staging of the Acclaimed Pregones Theater Production! Tickets for performances are now available between November 30th – January 7th, 2024 Preview performance tickets at $25. Prices go up…