

June 1st – June 18th
The Puerto Rican Traveling Theater
304 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036

Pregones/PRTT’s acting and music ensemble’s inspired tribute to the people who fought and survived the Bronx fires!

Manhattan Premiere!

Tickets for performances are now available between June 1st – June 18th, 2023
Preview performance tickets at $25. Prices go up for all performances after June 4th.

The legacy of the Bronx fires is a sticky one and forever tied to histories of popular resistance and uplift. Pulsing to the beat of salsa, funk disco, and hip hop, Pregones/PRTT’s TORCHED! alternates from 1970’s New York —when news of the fires dominated headlines— to present day survival and rebuilding. Part investigative theater and part poetic fiction, the production brings forward true stories of those who lived through the devastation to lay bare the infamies of the arson-for-profit business.

TORCHED! pays tribute to the real people who fought back, who continue to want to set the record straight, who continue to research, give testimony, and unmask the ugly truths behind the fires. With this production, the artists of Pregones/PRTT’s performing ensemble join the generations of Bronx artists and activists shining light on this period of our history. Performed in English and Spanish with titles.

Duration: 85 minutes. No Intermission.

TORCHED! 2023 Photos by Krystal Pagán

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